Batting Slumps & Poor Youth Baseball Attitudes


Batting Slumps & Poor Youth Baseball Attitudes - Steve Springer

I've said it a million times.

If you're throwing your helmet and kicking dirt with your head held down, I'm NOT saying you're soft...

...but it sure does LOOK soft.

Poor Youth Baseball Attitudes

When I was coaching and scouting, I didn't care if you got mad after a bad at-bat.

The question is how long do you stay mad for.

In my opinion, it's for one pitch, then you're wiping the slate clean.

It's really hard to focus on the most important game of the season, which is today's game...

...while your mind is still stuck on your previous at-bat.

It's not about you.

It's about you helping your team win.

The question is simple.

The next time you don't get a hit, are you gonna go into "pout mode"...

...or "best competitor on the field mode"?

The choice is yours.


Reply with your 2 cents on this QAB Fan Question:

"What’s your tip for getting out of slumps?”


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  • steve springer

    As soon as hitter begin seeing live pitching. But this program is just as important for parents and coaches. They need to know what YOU know.

  • Ron

    What ages is your program designed for? My son jus finished his 1st 8U season.

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